The four ingredients to an awesome static site.
This is an opinionated starter for 11ty that includes:
- Pre-configured 11ty directories (input, output, data, includes, layouts) and custom filters.
- A separate directory for 11ty-specific configs: filters, shortcodes, etc.
- Basic image optimization using the official
- Sass compilation, including partials for breakpoints, mixins, functions, and CSS resets.
- Basic SEO enhancements: essential meta tags and a programmatically generated
and robots.txt
- Auto-generated favicon link tags from a single source image.
- Convenient
scripts for develop, production, and linting.
- Global configuration files (pre-commit/checkout hooks, line ending normalization, linters, VS Code settings).
This starter template does not:
- Generate any output CSS. It only sets up basic Sass boilerplate for you to customize.
- Make any assumptions about your build pipeline or tooling (e.g., gulp).
- Make any assumptions about your client-side JavaScript bundler or pipeline.
- Configure a Markdown processor (you can install
if you need it).
- Get in your way.
Most of this template serves as the foundation for my personal website.
Below is an example of a fully optimized and responsive image. Remote and local images are supported out of the box.